Bertize Syrup

Each 10ml Contains:

L-Lysine (USP)........33.33mg

Vitamin B5 (USP)......2.5mcg

Vitamin B2 (USP).....1.66mg

Vitamin B3 (USP)........18mg

Vitamin B6 (USP)..........1mg

Vitamin B1 (USP).....4.16mg

InositoL (USP)............. 5mg

Vitamin B12(USP)...8.33mg

Vitamin C (USP)........75mg


This medication is used in patients with hyperemesis (severe nausea, vomiting, weight loss, and possibly dehydration in pregnancy), neuritis (inflammation of one or more nerves), convalescence (it is the slow recovery to health and strength after an illness or injury),

general debility (loss of strength), growth and development in children, loss of weight & appetite and in all cases of vitamin B complex and C deficiencies.

It is also used in pregnant and lactating females as a dietary supplement.

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